Department of Dravyaguna
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- Department of Dravyaguna
Ayurveda possess vast materia medica of herbal origin that is around millennia old. The branch
Dravyaguna Vigyan deals with basic principles of AyurvedicPharmacology and study of herbal
drugs. The branch also deals with standardization of Medicinal plants as the glob demands data-
based evidences to accept the therapeutic benefits of the natural substances described in
Ayurveda. Fundamental principles of Dravyaguna, identification of medicinal plants and their
different parts, cultivation, collection, preservation, pharmacovigilance, chemical constituent,
therapeutic actions,controversial and unidentified drugs, substitutes, adulterants are the main
areas in where teaching is imparted in the department of Dravyaguna , R.N. Kapoor Ayurvedic
Medical College & Hospital Indore(M.P.).