Shalya Tanta
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Ancient Surgical science know as shalya tantra is a vital branch of ayurveda & embraces all
process aiming at the removal of factors responsible for producing pain. Shalya means that
which creates pain or agony to the body or mind. Shalya Tantra is branch which deals with
the technique by which this cause (Shalya) removed. Shalya Tantra is a branch of Ashtang
Ayurveda. It consists eight types of surgical procedure as Chedan (Excision), Bhedan
(Incision), Lekhan (Scrapping), Vedhan (Puncturing), Eshan (Probbing), Aaharan
(Extraction), Seevan (Suturing), Vistravan (Drainage). Agnikarma, Ksharkarma and
Raktamokshan are the par surgical procedure which is admirable unit of Salya department.