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- Kayachikitsa
Kayachikitsa is a first branch among the eight branches of Ayurveda [Ashtanga Ayurveda]
involves the complete management of body and mind where Kaya means complete body and
Chikitsa means treatment. Kayachikitsa mainly deals with diagnosis and treatment of various
general diseases [ acute and chronic diseases] such as Fever, Diabetes , Hypertension, Kidney
diseases, Liver diseases, Gastritis, Heart diseases, Neurological disorder, Asthma, Skin
diseases, Arthritis, Auto-immune diseases and Emergency. The entire Ayurvedic therapy is
based on the concept of Agni and ascertaining the root cause of illness. Kaya means Dosha,
Dhatu and Mala Sanghata. Kayachikitsa means balancing of Tridosha, Saptadhatu and