Kayachikitsa is a first branch among the eight branches of Ayurveda [Ashtanga Ayurveda] involves the complete management of body and mind where Kaya means complete body and Chikitsa means treatment. Kayachikitsa mainly deals with diagnosis and treatment of various general diseases [ acute and chronic diseases] such as Fever, Diabetes , Hypertension, Kidney diseases, Liver diseases, Gastritis, Heart diseases, Neurological disorder, Asthma, Skin diseases, Arthritis, Auto-immune diseases and Emergency. The entire Ayurvedic therapy is based on the concept of Agni and ascertaining the root cause of illness. Kaya means Dosha, Dhatu and Mala Sanghata. Kayachikitsa means balancing of Tridosha, Saptadhatu and Trimala.

Objectives of department

  • To improving clinical skills of diagnosis.
  • To do clinical research on various diseases.
  • To establish line of treatment of any diseases based on principles of Ayurveda, which is specific for every patient.
  • To teach and improve Nadi- Parikshana skills.
  • Research on diagnostic criteria and assessment criteria of various diseases on basis of Ayurveda.
  • To treat the psychological diseases with help of Satvavajaya Chikitsa.
  • To modify Ayurvedic treatment in case of emergency.
  • Facilities of department:

  • We have well equipped OPD & 30 bedded IPD for patients.
  • We provide Shaman Chikitsa [Internal Medicine] as well as Shodhana Chikitsa [Body Purification / Detoxification] to the patients.
  • We treat the patients with Agni Chikitsa, balancing Vata-Pitta-Kapha, Dhatu and Mala as well as ascertaining the root cause.
  • We provide treatment on the basis of Nadi Parikshan
  • .
  • We treat Psychological diseases with the help of Satvavajaya Chikitsa.
  • We did procedure like Vidha Karma, Agnikarma, Panchakarma, to treat the patients.
  • We provide RasayanChikitsa [Rejuvenation] which is useful in maintaining healthy life.
  • We provide Vajikaran Chikitsa [Aphrodisiac] which is cure and enhances the sexual vigour and to procreate an ideal progeny.
  • Department celebrate all national days related to department by arranging lectures For students and conducting health check-up camp
  • Department conduct clinical case presentation & group discussion.
  • Department participate in various health check up camps organised by institute.
  • healthcare-10-01616-g003 (1)

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