Swasthavritta, part of Ayurveda, is dedicated to disease prevention by making sure individuals have the knowledge and resources to take care of their own health. Health Education, Health Promotion and prevention are the main priorities of this field. Swasthavritta and Yoga emphasize personalized preventive healthcare, diet and lifestyle choices, research on relevant health issues, and training doctors for community service.

Objectives of department

  • Our vision is to be a first-class center of Ayurveda Preventive and Promotive healthcare that sets the highest standards for education, research, and patient care through the use of Ayurveda for the betterment of humanity.
  • To be a role model by setting a standard for Education in Swasthavritta, and to make preventive and promotive health care of Ayurveda of the highest standards accessible to everyone.Additionally, to conduct interdisciplinary research focusing on nutrition, lifestyle disorders, proactive approaches to communicable diseases and yoga.
  • To provide health management services to the community; to implement preventative services in regards to communicable and non-communicable diseases; to get involved with national health programs; understand and apply principles of daily, seasonal, and Ayurvedic diets for the promotion of health; and engage in interdisciplinary research projects.
  • Facilities of department:

  • Personalise Ayurveda Diet and nutrition coaching
  • Yoga , Diet and Lifestyle Guidance
  • Awareness creation about communicable diseases
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